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    before noon

    1. ' His own tour of the factory could be got at any time in the future and therefore he was prodded out of the house before noon in the company of Chloe and Kaitlyn

    2. Aunt Sarah, Uncle Eric and the cousins arrive a little before noon

    3. Kurt glanced at his watch, it was now a few minutes before noon

    4. Very early in the morning of December 10 we left Manila for Singapore in whose magnificent airport we landed before noon

    5. We arrived at the complex before noon, and there were no more tickets to that “Sistine Chapel of the quaternary art” as someone has called that artistic center

    6. �They promised me that they would have them here before noon,� replied his partner

    7. Once more he had used his walking stone to guide him and before noon had passed he had entered the Land of God proper

    8. “Thank you, that sounds just wonderful, but I have to be in Nicaragua before noon tomorrow

    9. The four o’clock bus arrived at the border at nine-thirty: early enough – she promised herself – to cross and make it to Rivas before noon, but the six o’clock wouldn’t get in until eleven thirty

    10. Prospective guests will be requested to submit their first bids tomorrow morning, three hours before noon Nine Valleys time, for occupancy at noon local time at each location

    11. The room cleared of applicants, and twenty minutes before noon he was directed to enter the inner sanctum

    12. The flashing and patching done, they clambered down in high spirits, finished before noon

    13. It was before noon still

    14. The warriors left the Tower before noon and hastened their steeds to the west

    15. 3 They reached their destination, about halfway up the mountain, shortly before noon, and while eating lunch, Jesus told the three apostles something of his experience in the hills to the east of Jordan shortly after his baptism and also some more of his experience on Mount Hermon in connection with his former visit to this lonely retreat

    16. The president, who had started years ago eating only fruit before noon, nibbled a little from each serving and made appropriate noises of satisfaction as he moved around the table

    17. At the rate at which I was traveling, I figured to be at my sister Elaine's house in Londonderry well before noon

    18. The news that Amaranta Buendía was sailing at dusk carrying the mail of death spread throughout Macondo before noon, and at three in the afternoon there was a whole carton full of letters in the parlor

    19. Murray settled down on the back seat and studied the registration numbers of the vehicles as they came and went from the car park, it was just before noon when a Nissan Patrol with the registration Murray was looking for came rolling down the ramp and parked two bays away from the lift door, Mr Hawk stepped from the car and gave a casual glance around the car park, at least it would have looked like a casual glance to an onlooker but Murray knew better, Mr Hawk had scanned the whole car park looking for a threat, he had counted and evaluated every car in the car park, finding nothing untoward he then walked to the lift door and disappeared from Murray’s view, Murray stayed were he was without moving and sure enough two minutes later Mr Hawk stuck his head around the lift door and studied the car park again, checking that nothing had changed, he was behaving exactly as a professional should, as Murray would behave if the roles were reversed, although Mr Hawk would never recognise the fact he had placed himself at a slight mental disadvantage, Mr Hawk’s first impression of Mr Jay had been less than flattering, in fact he thought Mr Jay was a bit of a dork, a clever dork but never the less a dork, not a professional like himself just someone who played around with safe’s and lock’s, this was exactly the impression Murray had set out to promote, even though Murray had outsmarted him, Mr Hawk’s subconscious had still not discarded this first impression that Mr Jay was a gifted amateur, the prison sentence for receiving a measly amount of jewellery reinforced this opinion, this gave Murray a huge advantage

    20. There was great rejoicing as the three of us left their camp, going back to ours’, to prepare to enter the Holy City sometime before noon

    21. I had eaten my three-days’ worth of provisions before noon so I was at the mercy of friends and their ridiculous freeze-dried dinners

    22. One last thing, Sheherazade: you will have to be ready to eliminate the two agents travelling with you before noon tomorrow, in order to prevent them from interfering with our operation

    23. Those who are interested are to register for the walk at the ship’s customer services counter on Deck 16 before noon today

    24. The four employees who were married and had children came back to her townhouse just before noon with their loved ones and a few suitcases as the popular agitation increased along the city’s streets

    25. When she got in just before noon, there was an urgent note on her desk

    26. - The miracle has a definition: for it should be apparent and visible to all people, also containing a challenge to all of them as the miracle of our Master Moses' staff (pth), which was given by the Almighty: "He said: your appointment is on the day of the feast, and let all the people assemble before noon

    27. The hospital reported that he’d been discharged just before noon, along with a male nurse to help him settle in

    28. “The security camera at the Cenex caught her getting gas a little before noon

    29. Can you be back and ready to go to a restaurant before noon?" he asked

    30. any luck they would all be safely in town before noon

    31. “I'm not allowed on the deck before noon,” she told him, opening her eyes wide at the realization of how manipulative the Captain had been

    32. Changed back into work gear, open neck, shorts and short sleeves, Lester made the Mulgrave blockhouse a little before noon

    33. A little before noon, Panos administered his bottle of milk and an hour or so later gave him his Gerber meal and fruit compost, changed him if he was wet and put him in the pram for a nap while he pushed him leisurely along the pleasant little university town

    34. David Brandt entered the Dead Rock mine some time before noon

    35. As they drove off in search of maple syrup shortly before noon, Joseph pointed excitedly to the right, “I think it’s peaking on that hill

    36. They were only able to book one night, which means they had to be out before noon

    37. "This morning, when I came down, about half-an-hour before noon, Mr

    38. Nancy Reagan wears one of those outfits now, a three-thousand-dollar dress, coat, and hat by the Cuban-born designer Adolfo, as she and Ronald Reagan are driven from Blair House to the White House shortly before noon on Inauguration Day

    39. Flying from Venice to Berlin, Reagan arrived just before noon and traveled by motorcade through the heart of the city to the historic Brandenburg Gate, where a crowd numbering tens of thousands now awaits his words—“people stretching as far as I could see,” he will write in his diary

    40. The next day, April 1, when the Nautilus rose to the surface of the waves a few minutes before noon, we raised land to the west

    41. An hour before noon, Ralph’ s parents brought them dinner: hot ham, new bread and a jug of strong ale

    42. She stopped at a tavern just before noon and had some ale and cheese

    43. It was already hot, two hours before noon

    44. Today, though, she doubted Mattie would arrive before noon

    45. There would be arrests made, and certainly before noon Sotillo would know in what manner the silver had left Sulaco, and who it was that took it out

    46. Diet pills have always been Zigler’s secret for getting through four hours on air, but these days he lets them blast him right out of the broadcast booth at the end of the show and into the shift bars south of Times Square where you can be drunk before noon

    47. Just before noon, she flares up, promising a special report

    48. `All shall be prepared for you and await you at the haven before noon

    49. It was still an hour before noon when they reached them:

    50. road clear for a league before noon: that was the order

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